Friday, September 10, 2010

Sidewalk Chalk!

"Nobody can be uncheered with a balloon!" -A.A. Milne
Several weeks ago I was in a small Indiana town with a few friends when on the sidewalk we noticed all kinds of small pictures, words, and initials drawn in brightly coloured sidewalk chalk. Beside the pictures was a bucket of chalk, providing an invitation to add to the fun! On a bench near the pictures sat an older man. We thought how fun it would be if that man was the one to put the chalk there, and now he was just sitting and watching, his eyes twinkling behind dark sunglasses.
Inspired both by this and the natural bent of AU students toward sidewalk chalk art:D I decided to create a mural in the Decker breezeway. Of course I left some chalk there, so that everyone can add their own beautiful touches! Later, I'll post some pictures featuring your art. So get out there and get drawing!
As always, I would love to hear your ideas or just a friendly "hi!" You can leave a comment here (you don't have to have an account to comment!) or email me at Cheers!

1 comment:

HD Elliott said...

Cool idea! I look forward to the pictures. I also like the idea of you as an old man on a park bench in dark glasses ;)