Monday, April 12, 2010

Starry Starry Night Has Never Looked So Delicious!

As a tribute to dear Vincent-only the best artist ever-I reproduced one of his most famous works of art on . . . CUPCAKES! I know, right? What could be better than chocolate cupcakes, ridiculous amounts of frosting, and a magnificent piece of art all in one package! And it was fun to make:D
Here's more or less my semi-blank canvas (although I forgot to take a picture right at the beginning-oops!) After over an hour of wrestling with paste food colouring and spooning sticky frosting into ziplocks, I had my palette . . .
Add a few more hours of piping frosting, a copious amount of plastic cups and frosting containers, and some inspiration (not to mention directions!) from an adorable little cookbook (Hello Cupcake! check it ) . . .
And a masterpiece emerges!

(Well, a pretty yummy forgery at least.)

The art department is definitely one of the best places on campus and artists are pretty much awesome, so I am glad I had the opportunity to add to the magic that gets created there every day by the talented students and staff:D Leave me a comment (you don't have to have an account) or send me an email at to let me know what you think, how you're doing, or any ideas you have to bring some beauty to the campus. Happy Monday all!

Friday, April 9, 2010

A Letter a Day. . .

Happy Easter a bit late (that's not the only thing that's late. . .) My creativity has pretty much been in a ditch lately, although that's not excuse for not doing something to make my world a better place. Sooo, this week I went small again, to hopefully get myself geared up for the end of the semester! For the four days of classes we've had, I made a card for someone (that was recommended to me-let me know if you have any friends who might appreciate some encouragement:D) to hopefully give their week a boost. Graduation is coming up and that is ridiculously daunting. The "real world" *shudder*. C, I hope you enjoyed the cards!
Tuesday . . .. . . Wednesday. . .
. . . Thursday . . .
. . . Friday!

Thanks to everyone for the lovely comments and emails:) I love to hear from all of you. Please feel free to leave a comment (you don't have to have an account) or email me at Also, it's been fun to look at some of your blogs. Email me the link to your blog and I would love to check it out! Happy week after Easter!