Friday, January 15, 2010

And the Semester Begins!

I hope that everyone's semesters aren't looking too overwhelming yet. If anyone else is like me, the first few days are always terrifying-getting all the big projects and assignments in all my new classes and trying to convince myself that I'm not too stupid for my major.
Needless to say, I decided to start small this week with. . .
fun notes in the bathrooms
and colourful hearts in the snow!

Covering campus with a few 3-ounce spray bottles was more involved that I orginally thought. And I got discouraged toward the end, because you could hardly see any of the colours anyway. And, I told myself, by morning this will all have melted away. But when I thought about it more, I realized that if nothing else I felt a little brighter about life. And it was a start. Small, maybe, but I think right now small is exactly what I need.

So how is everyone's semester so far? What are some of the small things that help you push through crappy days?

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