Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Night Owls!

Whew! What a crazy couple of weeks! And I know that I am certainly not the only one on campus who thinks so. So, in solidarity of my fellow sleep-deprived Anderson students, I made several plates of night owl cupcakes. The pattern was adapted from the delightful book "Hello, Cupcake" (check it out on Amazon.com-it has so many fun ideas!) My version was simplified to save time (I don't have a whole lot extra of that :D ) and I ended up using generic cookies instead of Oreos, which as it turned out was not the best idea. But it all worked out in the end despite skimpy icing and crumbly cookies! After decorating them, I delivered them in the evening to the library hallway, BOD and the hallway outside Mocha Joe's. I hope that the treats were able to late nighters a boost of energy:DLet me know what you think! I love to hear your comments, ideas, and thoughts. Email me at lifeinfullcolour@yahoo.com or just leave me a message here (you don't have to have an account to comment!)


Anonymous said...

It made my roommates night...you gave her hope for humanity. thats a direct quote haha

Anonymous said...

These are adorable!!! I want to make them now :)

Anonymous said...

You are wonderful.