Friday, March 12, 2010

St. Patrick's Day Comes to the Thespians!

Ta da! AT LAST I am getting a few pictures up from my St. Patrick's Day project. . . I've been pretty busy with school stuff this last week. Which is no excuse, true. And I totally failed at doing ANYTHYING last week. But, I'm hoping to pick up the slack this week with Easter coming up. Is everyone else's semester getting pretty crazy right now? What are some ways you give yourselves "a breath of fresh air?" Well, hopefully I'll Easter some of you very soon:D
(Original post)
Pictures to come (I am currently in the middle of Spring Break and have no idea where my camera is!)
Sure it's a bit early, but I wanted to leave a St. Patrick's Day surprise in Byrum for the theatre students. (More to come. . .)

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